Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Squirrels At The Bird Feeder

I don't even try to keep the squirrels out of the bird feeders.  In fact, just this past week I have watched as this summer's young squirrels have like over night built two nests closer to the house than ever before.  Usually they nest way out back in the tops of strong oak trees.  But these two nests are in aging Bradford Pear trees with flimsy limbs bent over with the weight of the nest.  These trees are only a hop, skip, and a jump from the bird feeders.  Easy access I would say to a constant food supply. I love all God's creatures.....and the squirrels pull at my heart strings.  Did you know that traffic is the number one enemy of squirrels and cause more death than anything else?  Do you brake for squirrels?  I do. 

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